Sustainable Living

Non-Native VS. Invasive Species : Are Non-Native Plants Inherently Bad?

Invasive Species Invasive species (plant or animal) are often non-native species that lack natural predators to control their populations.  With no predators, invasives are able to out-compete native plants for resources like food, water, and sunlight.  Species that are able to create such monopolies leave few resources for native species to survive.  When an invasive …

Non-Native VS. Invasive Species : Are Non-Native Plants Inherently Bad? Read More »

Permaculture Principles for Resource Management (Not Just for Gardeners!)

In a society that is increasingly focused on sustainability and fighting climate change, I’m always on the lookout for new ways to live in harmony with nature. Until recently, I didn’t really know what permaculture was. Now I see that it is so much more than a type of gardening but rather an all encompassing …

Permaculture Principles for Resource Management (Not Just for Gardeners!) Read More »


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