Organic gardening is the art of growing crops without the use of chemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides etc. and instead use natural products. Use of this method of cultivation helps in maintaining the soil fertility nurture living organisms in the soil.

The main aim of organic gardening is the protection of the environment by use of more environmental-friendly methods of farming. These methods include use of manure instead of fertilizers, practicing crop rotation, use of suitable methods such as mulching for preserving soil water, etc.

Elements of organic gardening

Use of compost


Use of compost is the most primary element in practicing organic gardening. Use of compost replaces the use of chemical fertilizers in adding soil fertility. Compost involves the processes in which organic matter is decayed by living organisms when water and oxygen are present.

Compost is made by piling up a compost pile with the required materials.

The pile should include materials which provide carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, water and microorganisms. Carbon can be found in yellow or brown plant residue such as dry leaves, saw dust or even corn stalk. However, the browns should of the required quantity since too much browns may deprive bacteria nitrogen hence slowing down the rate of decomposition.

 Nitrogen can be provided by use of greens. This includes materials like green leaves or use of legume plants. Presence of nitrogen speeds up the rate of composting since it makes bacteria to grow.

Oxygen is a vital element required in the making of a compost since its required by microorganisms for survival. Oxygen is made available by use of course materials which prevent the compost from compacting. Turning the pile regularly will also keep oxygen levels in the pile high.

Water speeds up the rate of decomposition and also used to regulate the temperature of the pile. Water will be added to the pile naturally by the green plants. Care should be taken since too much water prevents flow of air and result to a temperature drop.

Microorganisms are required to facilitate decomposition of materials in the pile. Microorganisms are availed by adding garden soil to the pile.

These materials named above should be arranged as follows in a 4*5*4 pit: Course materials at the bottom, greens and the garden soil. This should be followed by a sprinkle of water.

The compost should be turned regularly to speed up the decomposition process.

Crop rotation


Crop rotation is a planned recurrent sequence in planting crops. Use of crop rotation in organic gardening has a number of advantages.

First, crop rotation helps in controlling of weeds especially those that are crop-specific. For example, planting crops of a different family following each other would mean that weeds that are specific to the former crop would die when the latter crop is planted. Planting of different plants at proximity also controls weeds since there would be a higher competition for weeds.

Second, crop rotation controls pests and soil-borne diseases. When plants of different families follow each other in the planting sequence on the same piece of land those pests and soil-borne diseases that are plant-specific are controlled.

Finally, crop rotation increases soil fertility. Different plants have different nutrients to grow. Growing different plants in a sequence means that there will be no overuse of specific nutrient in the soil and this increase and maintain soil fertility.

Use of cover crops

 Cover crops include crops such as barley, clovers, oats etc. different cover crops offer different services to the soil.

Legume cover crops add nitrogen to soil through the nitrogen fixing property that they possess. This will substitute the use of nitrate fertilizers hence conserving the environment.

Cover crops help in conserving soil fertility. They cover the soil preventing direct contact of raindrops with the soil. This prevents carrying away of soil nutrients through soil erosion.

Roots of the cover crops holds soil particles firmly hence improving soil structure. Holding the particles firmly also makes it hard for the soil to be carried away by wind or water hence retaining fertility.

Use of mulch


Mulching is the use of plant materials such as leaves, straw, green manure crops, or saw dust to cover the soil.

Mulching has advantages. One of which, it controls weeds. Mulch covers weeds hence suffocating them. Mulch also blocks sunlight which helps in the germination of weed.

Mulching helps to retain soil moisture. Mulch covers the soil preventing contact with direct sunlight hence reducing the amount of moisture which evaporates to the atmosphere.

Prevention of direct sunlight from reaching the soil moderates soil temperature. This means that there will be an optimal temperature facilitating the survival of living microorganisms. It also means there will be no destruction of soil nutrients by high temperatures.

When the materials used in mulching decompose, they add nutrients to the soil hence increasing soil fertility.

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